Monday, November 8, 2010


So I know its already the 8th of November. But I am going to try for the rest of the month and hopefully into December post something that I am thankful for and maybe even a bible verse that I have been thinking about.

So God has been really laying it on my heart that I need to rejoice in everything I do.
I follow a blog The Bolte's, and this weekend she posted about rejoice in everything you put your hand to. She quoted Deuteronomy 12:18 "You are to rejoice before the LORD your GOD in everything you put your hand to."

It really challenged me to make the choice to rejoice in everything I do. I live a very blessed life, with wonderful people in it. I need to CHOOSE to rejoice in everything I do.

I hope that whoever reads this is blessed by this verse as much as I was.