Monday, July 28, 2008

Happening in our world

This is a picture of Natalie feeding herself. That little girl of mine LOVES macaroni and cheese. I just thought it was adorable and thought I would share with you all.

Not much is going on in our world. Michael starts preschool on the 6th of August. Natalie is still walking like a champ. Michael also discovered how to pull himself onto our bed.

For a couple of months now Michael has known how to pull himself to his knees using the couch and other things but last night he pulled himself onto our bed. Now let me explain that Matt and I don't sleep on a normal bed.

In our room we have two queen beds and boxsprings on the floor next to each other. So its not that far to pull himself up on but it shows that he is getting the strength to do that kind of stuff.

This week is very busy for us. Today I have to go register Michael for school and then tonight at church with the youth group we are playing "Bigger and Better". Its an awesome game and is alot of fun. Then tomorrow I do a bible study with some friends of mine. Wednesday is church. Thursday my friend is having a jewelry show and after that is a youth workers meeting. And then friday I am going to a Beth Moore conference. I can't wait.
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Misty said...

Too cute! Way to go Natalie on feeding yourself and Michael for pulling himself to his knees. Hey I have never heard of Beth Moore? I have watched Joyce Meyer on the television, but not recently. How was it?