Sunday, November 2, 2008


I'm always amazed at what God can accomplish in sunday school. I am a 6th grade girls sunday school teacher and today we combined with the 7th and 8th grades to talk about the movie we watched. The movie was by Blue Fish TV and it is in the revolution series and it was about poverty. It was a really good movie and showed boths sides of it. The side of the people who are in poverty and a couple of people who have helped out in impoverished areas.

After the movie was over we started talking about things that our combined sunday school classes could do and the girls were very receptive to it. I am so thankful for the girls in my sunday school class and how they really are being receptive to what the Lord has for them.

I don't know if that makes any sense to anybody but me but I thought that I would share how amazed and humbled I am with all the girls at my church.

Have a blessed day